Your impact
1 order = 1 tree planted
Bali Mats has partnered with a non-profit, One Tree Planted, to help pay our respects to this earth we all share as we pledge to plant 1 tree for every order our customers initiate. Even though cork oak trees don't not die when harvested, we're still on a mission to plant 50,000 new trees this year. With your help, a simple share on instagram or forward via email could go a long ways. Keep up with our philanthropic goals and progress below. We'd love to have you join the Bali Mats community.
Track your impact
Total Trees Planted (Goal: 50,000)
% of total Planted in North America
% of total Planted in Latin America
% of total Planted in Africa
% of total in National Preserves / Desperately Needed Environments
% of total Planted in Oceania
% of total Planted in Asia

Our vision
To bring the cork oak tree's present value to our ever-changing society while helping plant more trees along the way.
Cork Benefits
Nature's Ingredient
Cork comes directly from cork oak trees in the mediterranean region. After the bark is harvested and converted to cork, the tree is better able to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and provide more oxygen, like a natural sponge.
Eco-friendly & Sustainable
Cork harvesting does not harm the tree whatsoever. Since it's a natural product, it is fully biodegradable and can be recycled in many different ways. Cork is anti-bacterial allowing for your mat to stay clean and durable.
Skin friendly & non toxic
There is no better material to do yoga on than cork. This pure and natural cushion is perfect for all skin types as it is organic and hypoallergenic. The surface of the cork is surprisingly a smooth touch to all your senses. Sweat is absorbed an activates the grip of the cork.
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